Friday, February 26, 2016

Red Rising Book Sketches Devon Bragg

Wrap around cover for Red Rising. Depicting the event that make all events after, happen. Darrow's wife is hanged for singing a forbidden song, and after he pulls on her legs to break her neck, he takes the flower he gave her, and begins his journey to avenge her and all others who rebelled against the government by turning into the very person he despises, a golden officer. 
Jackel and Mustang are learned to be siblings, and that Jackel has been silently controlling Mustang by threatening her close friend Darrow.  

Assigned with the task of infiltrating the Golds, Darrow appears at all social events in order to establish his "rank". One of these social events causes a breakthrough in Darrows Rebellion. A high officer, Apollo, attends the event, and Darrow must figure out how to take him down. 

Darrow begins to realize that his rebellion against the Golds has its consequences. Five Red workers, all with families are killed in cold blood, for "rebellion" influence. In truth, Jackel sent the 5 men to death to upset Darrow. However, Darrow feels not as much remorse as he thinks he should. After all, it's part of his cause. 

Eo, Darrow's wife has been hanged for singing the forbidden song. Although he will be punished by death, Darrow takes her away from the gallows and brings her back to a field to be buried. He promises her he will make her death count, and will find a way to end the madness, and to save the people from the Golds. 

Darrow and Mustang begin to become romantically involved, much to the dislike of Jackel. Darrow and Mustang try desperately to keep the secret, but Jackel always knew, since he had been spying on the pair for months obsessively. 

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