Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Yusef The New Yorker

Marina's life largely consists of moving. Born in Winnipeg, Canada, her and her family have moved into eight different houses and three different countries.
Marina is very interested in learning about the culture she grew up in. Her parents are from Henan China, and immigrated to the US after studying in Scotland and
Canada. She feels that at times she is stuck in between Western and Eastern culture, and has a hard time identifying with either. She hopes to draw experiences from her Chinese traditions to 
incorporate into her artwork. She spends a lot of time studying languages, playing piano, listening to jazz music, and being with her family. 


  1. Takato Yamamoto

    seiichi hayashi

  2. Im not sure i like the head turn to be honest. should i keep it? i think the image is stronger when its in profile because its more graphic, it also reinforces the the concept of two haves making a whole?
